Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Yeah! I stuck to the plan, mostly!!


So, my boyfriend, asked if I would rather him just come to my house, and trying not to sound too excited, reluctantly said, yeah, I guess so.

So he met me, and doodlebug as we drove up, we went inside and changed clothes and grabbed the pooch! The park was nice, not too much of a crowd, the only thing is one whole side is not lit up at all, so I am not sure if it is somewhere I would like to be in the dark by myself, but boyfriend really enjoyed and suggested we do it tonight too, Yea!!!

As for dinner.... didn't go as well as I would have liked. I had a box of Balsalmic vinegarette pasta,....and didn't realize I actually needed vinegar to cook it, so I used pasta classic in a box, and it as actually decent. I grilled some chicken that I cut into pieces and then added it to the pasta. Boyfriend decided to cook the eggplant, but after re-reading the instructions online today, I realized that we used waaaay too much olive oil. The meal still ended up ok, and felt alot healthier than hamburgers and fries...or cookies and milk ;)

As for tonight, I have no idea what to make...going to puruse the internet some see if I can find any good ideas. Going to the park again tonight!


so today has been one of those days at the office.

I'm bored.

So I keep eating, but not too bad.

Mostly everything today has been healthy: toast with peanut butter, oatmeal, yogurt, turkey sandwich, that type of stuff....but I've spread it out through the day so I guess it feels like I have been eating literally all day long......

That and I am trying to keep my mind off of certain things. Things to which I hope with come and go, signed sealed and delivered. Which will also go hand in hand with all that forgiveness I keep talking about.

But, keeps me thinking, what's going on today? What new news is there? I can't help but think today, "It must be really inexpensive to go out and drink and stuff in (well I just say somewhere more North than here)....because I know a certain someone who claims to be broke.........but has the money to go out all the freaking time!" Amazes me.

See this is the point where I should be doing some forgiving...........

Instead, I am going to put my nose back into my books and wait for the next thing I have to do at work today :)


I'm tired. The thought of being outside in the dark and cold.....not sounding appealing right now. Think Boyfriend is staying at his house tonight......which means....I will probably cook dinner and be lazy on the couch.........hmmmmmmmmmm

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