Friday, February 22, 2008

What a Day, What a Day

The attorney for the Attorney General called me this morning. I sent my case worker a copy of the fax, as well as some other things I have gathered from the internet in the last, oh...year I think. Anway, the attorney called me to answer my questions as to "where are we on collecting the child support?"

His answer was, He knew from the last court hearing that Ex wanted to terminate rights, so they just haven't done anything to collect. He was surprised it has taken this long for Ex to move forward with the paperwork. Anyway we talked pretty casually about what a putzy Ex was, and how he could see that day, that Ex wasn't exactly "Father of the Year" material. He also went on to tell me the whole time (at the last court hearing, when EX was demanding all sorts of stuff), Dingo was actually being super passive and saying things like, "what's the big deal, and why are you making such big deal out of this." Basically how Ex was walking all over her, and that she was someone who was taking everything he was giving her. I got a laugh out of that.

Anyway, the point of the phone call was to ask me what I wanted.

He told me that there is actually a paper where I can forgive the arrears, and he will terminate without having to pay them.

So there it is.

We can be done with all of this shortly.

I can release him for the money he owes . . . . and he can be free of being a father to my son.

I keep having mixed emotions about this.

A big huge part of me is doing cartwheels so excited at how easy it can be.

Part of me thinks it is so unfair that he just discharged thousands of dollars in bankruptcy, and now he's even getting to "discharge" his back child support.

And on top of everything else, he told me, that he "thought" my lawyer told him, that Ex told my lawyer back in Nov. that Dingo was pregnant.

I am going to suck it up and admit something that I don't want to admit.

That kind of hurts if it's true.

Because that seems mean, that he was willing to fight me, until he found out they were having a baby. And now, he is going to give another baby, everything he should have been giving to Doodle.

it's always mixed emotions I guess, I hope you all understand where I am coming from.


jeanie said...

Darn it if she is preggers - I was hoping to curse them with fertility issues.

There are many much more worthy people who should have children who can't.

But at least you can fill out a form and walk free - fair enough, never going to get your money from him and for him to consider you a discharged creditor, but I think they really lose.

You have the most gorgeous babe, and he is yours, yours, yours. And now you can work towards building your future without them overhanging you.

I look forward to what freedom that will be for you.

Anabiosis said...

I don't know if she is, or that was my attorney's excuse for her explosion of weight gain. I would think that since she knows I look at her myspace page, she would rub, rub, rub it in my face if she were.

stephanie T said...

all if have to say is you are one strong woman! and i wouldnt want to let him off that easily, either- jerk!