Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I ALMOST got excited this morning

Last year, in August I believe, my ex FINALLY had to file taxes, since he and wifey filed bankruptcy. I had had the feeling for a long time, that he didn't, to keep me from getting it, and was pretty much right.

Anyway, he finally did, and of course the attorney general, snatched it up. Bad news is, since it was filed with crazy girl, you have to wait something like 120 days in order to get it. Well that time is almost up, and I am waiting with open arms to receive the over $2000 for much needed things in my and Doodlebugs immediate future.

This morning, the thought hit me, wait a minute, he's going to have to file again, surely bankruptcy trustee's will enforce a quick filing to help with their indebtedness. I got so excited thinking, "Wow, hopefully we'll see a little more, since he is still behind thousands of dollars in arrears, and he hasn't signed the termination papers yet, so YEA!"

But then, it took the level-head of boyfriend to remind me, "You know he has until April 15, then knowing him, he will ask for an extension..." And he was right, I am sure the thought of sending me anymore of "his' precious money, will hurry up the John Hancock process.

But then I will just smile because, if I really think about it, it is a win-win situation for me right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your blog. :) I deal with this same issue every year, every tax day. And yes he files an extension. It's like he's saying I have to take that back child support from his cold, dead hands.

Somehow, I'm okay with that. ;) (kidding)