Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I feel like crying

I just looked at my Pacer account.

Ex and Dingo, have had their bankruptcy discharged.

So, for the last 4 years, they have been playing, partying, vacationing, running up credit cards, having a ball,....and now, all that debt, gets swept under a table. Given up to our consumer debt. No wonder, our economy is in the state that it is.

I feel like crying, because all the while they have been racking up this debt, I have been struggling to survive.

All this time, they were vacationing in places like Mexico, Vegas, Hondurus, I was crying over figuring out how to pay my bills, how to be a parent, how to raise a child on my own.

I am so angry right now.

Did I mention that they spent $219,900 on a house. Then sank $98,000 in it to remodel it?? Then turned around after he had child support lowered because he couldn't afford it, and bought a second rent house that was over $200,000????

Did I mention, that at the court hearing in November, I agreed to lower child support again, before he decided to terminate?

Did I mention that if he had paid the amount of lowered child support I agreed to until Doodlebug turned 18, that would have been in the ball park of $88,000.

That is less that the amount of money he paid to remodel that sh!thole house of his.

Ok...so now I am crying and I can't finish this, I'm sorry.


jeanie said...

hugs to you.

mommamia said...

I'm so sorry this has happened but you can hold your head high knowing you did it all on your own.
They on the other hand have done nothing but think of themselves.