Monday, March 17, 2008

A case of "the Monday's"

So, an update on my weekend:

Friday was ok, I got paid, and decided to buy Doodle something for Easter Sunday Church. I bought two outfits, bringing them back to the office so my secretary could help me chose between the two, and I would take the other back. Well, I took the bag into my son's room and boyfriend followed me in there. He asked, "What is that", so I explained it to him. This is a land mine about to explode. He proceeds to tell me I need to start watching where I spend my money, and that I over do it on my son. I looked at him, and the only thing needed to come out of my mouth was, "It's my money." He got angry, and kind of stormed off. The night was horrible. I just went about my business around the house not really talking to him.

He explained later that he saw me bawling about money the day before (about my truck) and he I was spending money. I explained to him, I had already budgeted for his church clothes, a whopping $23 (old navy) and that that was our family holiday, and we always did that, it was a tradition, I wasn't willing to give up. So, Anyway....on to other things.....

Boyfriend ALWAYS complains that we have no friends, life is sooooo boring etc. Well, I joined a group at My new friend Stephanie, was having a crawfish boil this weekend, and I was so excited about going, meeting new friends, letting Doodle play with other kids, and all that jazz. So, I woke up bright and early Saturday morning, resumed cleaning up around the house, and trying to get stuff organized. By the time boyfriend woke up, I had the kitchen in tip top shape. So I mention to him, that I was planning on running by Conn's and just finally getting a lawnmower so we could do a little yard work that day. He gets fired up and decided that he would just get it and I could half it with him that way. He started checking things out on the internet, (while I am still spiffing up the place) and finally says:

"Why don't we get dressed, and go look for one real quick, then we'll have it."

I think real quick, means real quick. It doesn't. It means 3 hours of shopping for a lawn mower. Saturday was a beautiful day, and spending it inside his truck while we go from Wal-mart, to Lowe's, to Sears, was not my cup of sunshine. Then, Doodle decides he is hungry and wants pizza (he saw CiCi's next to Sears) and I deliberately say, let's just order one and pick it up. The wait inside Sears for someone to help us was maddening in itself. Then as soon as we get out, Boyfriend wants to take Doodle to CiCi's. At this point, I am about to die, it's about 2ish, and I just want to be outside. I give in and we ate crappy CiCi's. At some point, he asks me what is wrong, and I say, I just want to hurry up and get home. Then he on the quite sly says, "What is with you and why are you always in a hurry"...I tried to get him to repeat that, which he didn't, so I finally say I just want to go to the party. His remark was "she hasn't even called you back", ( I left her cell number at home, and called her house-which wastn't answered but didn't surprise me thinking she is probably OUTSIDE!!) Anyway we get back, and of course we start racking leaves...14 bags to be exact.

We got the leaves up, he mowed, and when it came to to talk about at least going by my new friends house, I get, "You can go I'll probably just stay here." #$@%#$%@#$^@#$%#$%@#$%

I made a huge attempt to meet people who were like us, young, with kids, who did stuff....and what do I get from him... not so interested in meeting them, or at least that is what I felt like.

So, I finally, and sadly let my friend know that we wouldn't be coming. I was tired, physically and mentally.

Sunday was spent, getting stuff for the flower beds, and working more on our front yard. Last night was the big blow up.

After working ALL DAY.... he got in the shower first, while I heated up mine, and Doodlebug's dinner, and was trying to come up with something for his (we were munching on leftovers). He got out, helped himself to his left over IHOP, we ate, I took a quickish bath, got Doodle bathed, and anyone who has a 3 year old, knows this can be a chore (all while he is lounging on his chair watching ESPN), getting Doodle dressed in his pj's, and off to his room for bedtime....

I finally get to the living room to ****ahhhhh****lay down and rest, where I make the most sincere comment, "I-am-exhausted- every- muscle- in- my -body-aches."

1 comment:

jeanie said...

Oh Anabiosis - these are things that you REALLY need to talk to him about before it becomes slipping over into the territory of nasty!

When you get the "a$$" comment, you gotta get him to take a step back and see what he is really saying.

I really feel for you girl - and he is heading for a zone I don't want you to have to be in if you don't sort it sooner rather than later.

And by "you" I mean the two of you.

Okay - yes there are times when V is up for it and I am not - and it is our deal that we have to say "heck no, play by yourself or give me a good nights rest so I may be able to feel more like tomorrow" - but the thing is, because we have that and because we are not as exhausted and stretched as you, chances are pretty good that tomorrow will indeed be better.