Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Prostitution As a Career

So , I never talk about anything in the news,but I am going to today. New York Governor Eliot Spitzer got caught as client #9 in a prostitution ring. He isn't the first, he isn't going to be the last. They say it is sinful. They say is spreads diseases. So is causal sex you aren't getting paid for. . . .

First and foremost, I would like to say, that I do not condone prostitution, I personally think it is a vial and filthy way for a woman to live her life. With that said, I think that is a woman so chooses to sell her intimate body parts and services as a career, shouldn't have any other person have the right to tell her to stop , it's her body.

Prostitution is actually one of the oldest professions in the world. At times, it has been celebrated, such as women in Asian cultures who are Geisha's, who were NOT originally or technically prostitutes, but they did have their client #9 or danna. Then there were the ever infamous courtesan's of the 16th century, and they were the lucky ones. Beautiful, taught to be intelligent, and be able to "carry on educated conversations with men" hmmm... is it really that hard? I guess what I am getting at, is at some point in time, prostitution became completely sinful. And I agree to a point. I think intimacy should be about love and passion, and commitment, but who of us haven't had a crazy romp in our lives???

This morning while driving to work, and listening to the radio, I couldn't help but think, "why not let these women, earn a living this way?"

Is is because, this is a career that men could truly not excel at? Yes, yes, I know that there are men prostitutes, but I don't know if they could hold their own in this particular market.

Is is because of women, who fear for their husbands paying to go astray??? I say if your husband is going to be vile enough to sleep with a hooker, divorce his ass, because he doesn't deserve you, your commitment, and loyalty to your marriage anyway.

Hustler and Playboy models make boocoos of money off of showing every crease and cranny they have to the public, why isn't that against the law? Porn is one the biggest industry's alive today, if selling your body for sex, should be illegal, well there is plenty of visual evidence to start throwing all these horrific offenders in the jail house along with all the other murderers, rapists, and other despicable outlaws.

I guess, what I am trying to get at is this: If someone wants to sell you her va-jay-jay for a career, (sooo many of them do behind closed doors in offices, government, anywhere you can excel anyway), I say let them.

If you are old enough to make enough money to pay to have sex with a woman who has seen more penis's than your local urologist, then your old enough to know to wear a condom, and do what is appropriate to prevent the possible spread of diseases.

I know that this is a weird and unusual post, but I can't help but think it.

What do you think?

(oh and by the way....for anyone who is keeping track --- still no cokes and 134.5 lbs this morning!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome post - love it! And I agree - if someone wants to sell themselves, who am I to stand in their way? And ooohhh - you're so gonna get the freak show search term hits on this one ... ;)