Wednesday, April 9, 2008

My goal in life in the next oh 10 years...

First of all....I still wanna lose 10-15 lbs.

Then I want to get married....and have 2 more babies.

Yeppers, I want a total of 3, I do.

I want to finish my RN, and eventually, by the Grace of God, I want to find a nearby job where I can be a school nurse at a local junior high or high school.

I know that there will be a major pay cut, but I figure if I can't be lucky enough to be a stay at home mom, (especially like my friend -T) then being a school nurse is the closest I can get to that.

Speaking of T. Looooove her. She is an amazing friend, she was also a nurse on the mother-baby unit I worked on in Austin. She was recently married, and we used to complain about our very testosterony counterparts and laugh.

Once time, Z and I even got her to go to , oh what the heck is the name of that place?? Trudy's??? something like that to have AMAZING margarita's....and she smoked a cigarette and I about died.

Cause she seems to have this perfect life. Well, almost perfect, she went to Texas Tech. hahahaahah.

She was a nurse, married the cutest, scratch that, a very tall, dark and handsome man. They bought the perfect house, in the perfect neighborhood, near my Perfect Austin. All the while, she is sooooooo sweet, and charming, and thoughtful too. She got pregnant about 3 months before me. She was actually the first person I told I was pregnant. I didn't really tell her either, she guessed. We were sitting at work, and I kept asking her questions about how she felt and how she knew she was pregnant and stuff like that, when she looked at me with her big gossip smile and said, "oh my god...are you pregnant???"

I made her promise not to tell anyone, but knowing her the way I know her now, I'm pretty sure she told someone. Between me, her, and Z, we're not the best at keeping pregnant secrets between each other.

Anyway, so go on, she had a perfectly beautiful daughter, and brought my a bag of those spirally Cheetos to eat after I had Doodlebug, and her amazingly talented mother made me the cutest burp rags.

Anyway, T was always someone I called for, "hey did A do this? Or how do you handle this..." advice when our babies were still tiny.

Anyway, when I think of how I would like my life to be in the future, I can't help but think, I want hers. She is a stay at home mom with her 2 cute kiddos, one boy, one girl, and the dog. Yes, she has the beautiful house, great husband, 2.2 kids and a dog..... ahh the picture perfect set up - i hate her. Just kidding.

I love her, she cracks me up, lets me know I am not the bingeing nutcase who constantly worries about my weight, although she's too skinny (I think lately).

I miss her.

I miss that my son, can't play with her kids either.

But to that....I am venturing back to Austin on the 19th for play time with T & Z and I am soooooooooooooo freakin excited I can't wait!!!


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see you!!!!!!!!! Are you coming the 18th or the

~ Z

Anabiosis said...

SATURDAY THE 19TH. The Boyfriend is getting up to go to San Antonio for a I thought Doodles and I would get up and head out around 9ish...we'd get there by noon, cause you know we're gonna stop and take Blue Bonnet pictures....and then I thought we'd leave to come back home around 6,...gotta let the pooch out.